Thanks again for subscribing to 2008philz! I want to let you know about some exciting changes on the way:
Guest columnists! I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but guest features from some of your favorite Phillies writers are coming soon.
Exclusive Phillies art/videos/other media from some of the most talented folks I’ve ever met. Straight to your email as part of the newsletter.
More frequent newsletters. (But I promise not to clog your inbox.)
Expanding like this and hiring top-tier talent is not cheap. If you can afford to help out by upgrading to a paid membership in the 2008 community, I’d be forever grateful. The standard weekly newsletter you’ve been receiving is still free.
Here are some benefits to paying members of the 2008 community (this list will grow):
Access to ALL posts, archived materials, and community chats
The 2008philz twitter account will follow your account (and help promote your work, fundraising efforts, etc. to 20,000+ followers, if you’d like)
An exclusive 2008 tee shirt

Love you all. Go Phils.
- John
If you’ve upgraded to a paid membership, please email me your t-shirt size, mailing address, and twitter handle. My email address is