Excellent piece John. I was totally in denial after last night’s game, filled with a lot of emotion. This morning I woke up and honestly I wasn’t feeling much better. Last year wasn’t as much of a heart break because I don’t think anyone expected us to be in the World Series. This year was different. This year we knew we belonged. After the first two NLCS games we all thought we knew the outcome. I was personally planning my work schedule around the World Series week and today just feels empty. Your article gave me solace. Keep up the great work!

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Thanks, Colin. And I agree. This year was definitely worse. Astros were the more talented team last year. But this year we were better than Arizona.

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When they win, the joy is unbelievable. But when they lose, the pain can be unbearable. To be a Phillies fan is to know heartache and pain. I’m blessed to have seen two World Series Championships in my lifetime and to have been there in person to celebrate in 2008. I truly believed that a third was possible this season. What an amazing run, capped off by such a disappointing finish. It will take time for the pain to fade — it never truly goes away — but come spring training our hearts will once again believe and long for bedlam at the bank! What a great season of writing, John! I’m looking forward to more to come!

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Well said, John. So much heartache and pain. But then, every once in a while, indescribable joy. On to next year.

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For me, nothing will be worse than the Game 6 Joe Carter walk-off to end the '93 World Series. The definition of soul-crushing.

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It's hard to top, that's for sure.

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Beautiful piece - thank you for your perspective.

My heartbreak dates back to 1964, and I won't quit them now.

I understand fans' sadness, but am dismayed by the anger. A lot of people love this team until they hate them. My sadness is more for the players - they tried, but did not succeed - but they did not quit.

Baseball is a hard game, perhaps the hardest. A tenth of a second on a swing, a foot of distance on a fly ball, can make all the difference. Bats that were hot on a Monday go cold on a Tuesday. But it is why we love the game - no day is like any other, and anything can happen.

I love this team - of all the iterations I've seen, this is by far my favorite. It was a great season. No on to Clearwater!

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Thank you for reading. And I agree 100% about the misplaced anger. These guys gave it everything they had. Nobody phoned it in. If anything, it looked like they pressed.

I really think that most fans will eventually come to that conclusion. The anger is just a part of the process for many of us.

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"What to do?"

This season ended just like last year with a flyball direct to RF, last year in Houston, this one in Philly.

This year it felt like a roller coaster, my favorite moment was Pache´s HR walkoff in Miami. Felt amazing to see a new latin american batter in CF. Hope Seranthony can regain his strike zone. Love how Alvarado has improved and really hope he can become the new closer that we desperately need.

This season was not a failure, we gained Castellanos power, Turner woke up late, but woke up. Harper is Harper.

Next season, next season

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There's always next season, right? They'll be right back in the championship mix. Hell, it wasn't long ago that our goals were to "be competitive most days" or "play some meaningful September baseball games."

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Thanks John. Best wishes to you enjoy the offseason. Will get em next year. Hopefully.

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There is always next year, right? Best wishes to you as well.

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I find it’s best to unplug for a few weeks until free agency starts in earnest. That way I can avoid seeing people say Rob should’ve had Taijuan and Lorenzen over Kimbrel lol. See you all when they offer Rhys the QO.

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Always a good idea to unplug for a bit.

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idk why I'm reading this today but it's easier at 53-27 lol

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